Koh Rong Island is a Cambodian Island in the Gulf of Thailand, at about 40km off the coast of Sihanoukville. Actually, the island is deserted, undeveloped and untouched. It's a secret island. But it will be soon one of the famous touristic destination of Cambodia. The island is certainly the most beautiful island of the Kompong Som Region. A snowdrift bay, covered by a crystal clear and turquoise water, stretches on several kilometres. At the centre, a jungle with thousands of coconut palms and waterfalls invade the island. Paradise found on Koh Rong !
Koh Rong Koh Rong Island is shaped like a dumbbell. The narrow section in the middle is flat, but the ends are mountainous and covered in thick, creeping jungle. There are a few fishing villages on the island but no roads, so the amazing beach is only accessible by boat.

The beach stretches in a gentle curve for about 4 miles. A few shacks are set amidst coconut plantations in back of the beach. One of these houses is abandoned and the Cambodian farmers who own it somewhat bemusedly allowed me to camp there. Rumour has it that a Taiwanese investment consortium plans to develop the beach within the next few years.

The local Cambodians in the fishing village at the end of the beach are hospitable but very poor. No one speaks English, but a few locals can communicate in Thai, Chinese and Vietnamese.
Koh Rong To get to Koh Rong, first make your way to Sihanoukville and then ask around about a boat. Another option is to approach the island from Koh Sdach, where the ferry from the Thai border town of Koh Kong stops. In Sihanoukville there are a variety of tour operators who can arrange a charter, but the price will depend on your ability to bargain and willingness to shop around. Off Beat Boats is one option, the hobby of a knowledgeable and only slightly eccentric old British man. A supply boat leaves Koh Rong twice a week or so and docks just to the north of the Sihanoukville ferry terminal, but the schedule is random. I paid only $5 for a ride from the island to the mainland on the supply boat, but was quoted prices that ranged from $50 to $100 for a charter from Sihanoukville. 
Koh Rong (info, map & coordinates) is the biggest of a chain of islands off the coast of Cambodia in the Gulf of Thailand. It stretches from east to west, is roughly elongate shaped and it encompasses an area of 78 square km.The terrain is predominantly hilly with a sizeable mountain at the island’s south west. The hills provide water for countless creeks and estuaries. The island’s interior is almost completely forested, concealing a number of beautiful waterfalls. Koh Rong has 43 kilometres of beaches. There are no less than 23 beaches of varying length and coloration – from (predominantly) white to beige to rose-colored sands - along most of the coastline. Strikingly beautiful bays, stuck out capes and impressive sandstone rock formations contribute to the island’s illustrious panorama. The southern coastline is particularly spectacular and capricious, whereas the northern coast is characterized by a sequence of smooth hills, gently sloping towards the numerous beaches, inlets and bays. Several small islets and many reefs provide an abundance of natural environments for a great variety of marine life – perfect for a spontaneous snorkeling side trip. There are 4 distinguishable villages on Koh Rong – 2 on the northern side and 2 in the south. People predominantly live from fishing. Apart from a coconut grove of moderate size in the center of the island, Koh Rong has no mentionable commercial agriculture. The center of the island is a flat “belt” of sediments that joins the two hilly massifs of the east and west. Here is a small savannah, the feeding ground for the local water buffalo and cattle. There aren’t any paved roads (so far) and subsequently no motor vehicles on the island, boats being the means of transportation.
Shuttle ferries leave at Sihanoukville’s local port and arrive in Koh Rong after ca. 2 hours.
There are two daily ferry boats between Sihanoukville and Koh Rong Island.
Departure from Sihanoukville's local port is at 08:30 and 13:30
Departure from Koh Tui Village's pier on Koh Rong island is at 10:00 and 16:00.

NOTE!!! Time and schedules are subject to individual interpretation in Cambodia. Do not expect the boats to cast off at the set time.As a rule there is a delay - but don't count on it, either. Relax - you are on holiday and you are almost in PARADISE.

The boats have all relevant safety features (life jackets, First aid kit, fire extinguisher, SOS radio),respectable toilets and the lower deck provides shelter from sun and rain. Have a bootle of water on you!The Dive Shop's boat offers free coffee, tea, fruit and cookies in the morning.

Koh Rong ferry

Paradise Bungalow’s office is in Sihanoukville's Serendipity road in the Sea Horse guesthouse. In case you are lost – virtually any Sihanoukville resident (Khmer or foreign) can arrange a ferry ticket for you – but – please stick to serious travel and booking agencies, hotels, guesthouses or dive shops for your bookings - the best choice is our office - of course - and - don’t forget – have your agent or your hotel get you a transport to the right pier at the right time. This is a routine procedure and is supposed to present no problem at all.

booking office